
sustainability, biomimicry, design

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10 tips for circular design

10 tips for circular design

10 Tips for circular design. The goal of circular design is for products, components, or materials to stay in closed loops as long as possible so we can use them theoretically forever. These ten basic principles help to achieve this goal.

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Circular economy

Circular economy

Have you heard that our current economic system should transform into a circular economy, and you have wondered what this means?
When discussing the transition to a circular economy, the first necessary step is understanding what a circular economy is.

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Sustainability Strategies Brainstorming

Sustainability Strategies Brainstorming

Three main strategies exist for converting existing business practices to more sustainable forms. These strategies are an excellent tool for brainstorming sessions and finding sustainable solutions. Take action and try this brainstorming exercise.

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Three common sustainability strategies

Three common sustainability strategies

There exist three main strategies for converting existing business practices to more sustainable forms:
1. Efficiency strategy
2. Consistency Strategy „Circular economy. “
3. Sufficiency Strategy „Wellbeing instead of well having. “
These strategies are an excellent tool for brainstorming sessions and finding sustainable solutions.

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The triangle of Sustainability Brainstorming

The triangle of Sustainability Brainstorming

A common model to show the complex concept and challenges of Sustainability is the triangle of Sustainability. The Sustainability triangle is a model for developing a sustainable society based on the fact that both ecological and economic, as well as social goals, need to be implemented simultaneously.

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Sustainable Development Goals Strategy Wheel

Sustainable Development Goals Strategy Wheel

In 2015 the United Nations released a shared worldwide blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action. You can use the SDGs as a helpful tool to start with sustainability in your business with the sustainability goals strategy wheel.

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Let´s create together

Let´s create together

For limiting climate change and the transformation to a more sustainable future, it is necessary to rethink consumption and production patterns and decouple well-being from environmental degradation. For that purpose, nearly everything needs to be redesigned in a more eco-friendly, life-supporting way. We use Biomimicry and Design thinking for that purpose.

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How do we learn?

How do we learn?

In the human brain, 100 billion nerve cells, also called neurons, communicate with each other. A neuron exists of a cell body and many extensions, named dendrites. There is also one longer extension, the axon. Electrical stimuli are received by the dendrites and transmitted to the cell bodies. The axons send them further to other neurons.

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Superglue invented by nature

Superglue invented by nature

The Velvet worm can eject a fluid hunting slime that forms an entangling net to trap prey. After catching the prey the ejected adhesive is returned to the water and the fibers totally dissolve and newly regenerated fibers can be drawn from the dissolved fiber solution. So it is a liquid water-soluble superglue, isn`t that amazing?

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