At the core of biomimicry lie the Life’s Principles, a set of universal design guidelines derived from the patterns and strategies found in nature. These principles serve as a framework for sustainable and regenerative solutions, offering insights into how organisms have adapted and flourished over time. By emulating these principles, we can create solutions that are efficient and resilient and in harmony with the natural world.
10 tips for circular design
10 Tips for circular design. The goal of circular design is for products, components, or materials to stay in closed loops as long as possible so we can use them theoretically forever. These ten basic principles help to achieve this goal.
Let´s create together
For limiting climate change and the transformation to a more sustainable future, it is necessary to rethink consumption and production patterns and decouple well-being from environmental degradation. For that purpose, nearly everything needs to be redesigned in a more eco-friendly, life-supporting way. We use Biomimicry and Design thinking for that purpose.