When thinking about transitioning to a circular economy, a big question in your head might be, how can I implement these principles in practice? When discussing implementing circularity, people often refer to Cradle to Cradle. So what’s it all about?
10 tips for circular design
10 Tips for circular design. The goal of circular design is for products, components, or materials to stay in closed loops as long as possible so we can use them theoretically forever. These ten basic principles help to achieve this goal.
Circular economy
Have you heard that our current economic system should transform into a circular economy, and you have wondered what this means?
When discussing the transition to a circular economy, the first necessary step is understanding what a circular economy is.
Three common sustainability strategies
There exist three main strategies for converting existing business practices to more sustainable forms:
1. Efficiency strategy
2. Consistency Strategy „Circular economy. “
3. Sufficiency Strategy „Wellbeing instead of well having. “
These strategies are an excellent tool for brainstorming sessions and finding sustainable solutions.